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Payment Gateways

Powerful Internet based software tools that act like a standard authorization terminal in a secure real-time environment, Payment Gateways are a complete secure transaction processing system. As a merchant, you can use them to submit, authorize, capture, and settle credit card transactions without the need for separate transaction terminal or processing software. Credit card transactions are authorized in real-time (immediately upon submitting). Automated Clearing House (ACH) collections, also known as Electronic Checks, are also supported on some of our gateways. With our quick and easy setup you can be accepting credit cards over the Internet in as little as 1-3 days.

Although Payment Gateways were initially built for e-businesses or internet merchants, payment gateways are now catering to needs of retail, mobile, mail order and telephone order merchants as well. Below are some common usage scenarios for payment gateways.
  • Virtual Terminals – With virtual terminals you can take payments by simply logging into a website and running the transaction. This method can be used either in a retail or MOTO (Mail Order/Telephone Order) environment, There are no terminals or other payment processing devices involved unless using a card reader.
  • Integrated into shopping carts – Probably the most commonly used method, with payment gateways integrated into shopping carts you only have to configure your shopping cart with your payment gateway information to allow customers to make payments directly on your website. All of our payment gateways are already integrated into the most popular shopping carts in the market today. Visit the shopping cart page to see a complete listing of our supported and unsupported shopping carts.
  • Custom Integration – This method is used by web developers or company’s that have IT teams to assist with the integration of the payment gateway into their own website or custom developed payment application. Our payment gateways have APIs and detailed documentation on how to implement this procedure.
Payment Gateways we offer -
Applications or software our payment gateways integrate with -
  • QuickBooks Pro
  • QuickBooks Premier
  • QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions
  • DacEasy by Sage
  • Sage 50
  • Sage One
  • Sage Accpac ERP
  • Sage BusinessWorks
  • Sage Fundraising 50 & 100
  • Sage Intergy
  • Sage MAS 90, 200 & 500
  • Sage Millenium
  • Sage Pro ERP
  • Simply Accounting by Sage
  • FreshBooks
  • Acumatica
Features and Benefits
  • Process transactions in real-time.
  • Increase sales both in local and global markets.
  • Works in both Card Present and Card Not Present environments.
  • Legitimize your business to your customers by accepting credit cards.
  • Fast Turnaround: Funds are transferred into your account.
  • Access and process transactions anywhere around the globe where you have Internet access.
  • Automatically accept, authorize and process credit cards orders directly from your web site.
  • User friendly and easy to use application.
  • Automate periodic payments by adding recurring billing.
  • PCI Compliant security makes all transactions secure.
  • Reporting capabilities accessible via the Internet.
  • Authorize transaction within a few seconds and email customer's order to merchants for fulfillment.
  • Encourages impulse buying on the Internet.
  • Higher average tickets and unit sales with credit card sales.
  • Converts your web site from an electronic brochure to a virtual storefront.
  • Payment order page can be setup to have the same look and feel as the rest of your website.
  • Sell online services and offer immediate product downloads (i.e. Information, Software, Books, Videos and viewing material.)
  • Our payment gateways provide merchants with several tools to help detect and prevent fraud.
  • Accept checks (ACH or e-check) along with credit, debit and gift cards.
 Features USB Card Reader E-Commerce Mobile Card Reader Level 2 processing Level 3 processing
Authorize.net check2 check2 check2 check2 check2
Authorize.net VPOS check2
Charge Anywhere check2 check2 check2 check2 check2
Optimal check2
Plug'n Pay check2 check2
QuickBooks check2 check2 check2
Paya/Sage check2 check2 check2 check2
Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

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Commerce Technologies Corporation
American Express may require separate approval.
Commerce Technologies is a registered ISO of Compass Bank an Alabama State Chartered Bank
Compass Bank an Alabama State Chartered Bank is not affiliated with International accounts.