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Virtual Terminal Overview
The Virtual Terminal should be used for manual entry of electronic check and credit card transactions on the e-Commerce system. Some of the reasons you might need to use Virtual Terminal are:
  • You received an order by phone, fax, or mail and need to process the transaction
  • You need to perform a credit transaction according to your own refund policy
  • You previously received a voice authorization by phone and now need to submit the transaction to be captured. (Also called a Post-Authorization)
As you can see, the Virtual Terminal allows you to do many different kinds of transactions, including credits/returns (for refunding money to a customer's credit card), authorization only, post auth/ticket only, and of course a normal authorization. You don't need to have a web site to use Virtual Terminal. Simply login to e-Commerce and choose Virtual Terminal on the Merchant Menu.

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How to use Virtual Terminal
To use Virtual Terminal, simply fill in the required fields and submit the transaction by pressing the "Submit" button. You will receive an immediate response from the e-Commerce system. The Virtual Terminal fields are described below:

Invoice - This is your own invoice number. The value of this field must be all numbers. The invoice number will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Description - Enter any description you want here. The description will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Amount - This is the transaction amount. You must include the decimal point plus 2 digits after the decimal for the cents. You may not use a negative or zero amount. The amount will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Payment Method - Select the appropriate payment method. For your information, all Visa credit cards begin with " 4 ", MasterCard credit cards begin with " 5 ", American Express credit cards begin with " 3 ", and Discover/Novus credit cards begin with " 6 ". For ACH/Electronic check transactions, the customer's checking account must be a U.S. checking account.

Transaction Type - For credit card transactions, choose one of four transaction types:

    Normal Authorization - for regular transactions to charge a customer's credit card. The transaction will be immediately authorized and will be included in the day's settlement. This is the most common transaction type.

    Authorization Only (Auth-Only)- to authorize a credit card transaction. An Auth-Only transaction is NOT settled in the day's settlement. Use Auth-Only if you are not shipping the order right away. In that case, you want the transaction authorized so that you can make the commitments you need to make in order to prepare/ship the order to the customer. Once the order has finally shipped (must be within 30 days of authorization), you can include the transaction in that day's settlement. See the subheading "Auth-Only Transactions" under the "Credit Card Activity" section below for details on how to settle Auth- Only transactions.

    NOTE: You can also use the credit card voice authorization network provided directly by your merchant provider to obtain an authorization code for an Auth-Only transaction. To use the voice authorization network, you use a touch tone telephone to call a special access phone number, type in the details of the transaction you want authorized, and you receive an authorization code as a response. In this case, because you didn't use e-Commerce to obtain the authorization for the Auth-Only transaction, you must SAVE the authorization code in order to finish the transaction later when the order is shipped to the customer. See Post Auth/Ticket Only below.

    Credit/Return - to issue a credit (refund) back to a customer. Always issue credits to the same credit card that was originally charged. Be sure that your refund policy is clearly disclosed to customer before they make a purchase from you, to avoid potential chargeback disputes in the future.

    Post Auth/Ticket Only - this transaction type should only be used if you previously obtained an authorization code for a transaction using the voice authorization network provided by your bank or merchant provider. Choose this type if you have shipped the order and are now ready to settle the already authorized transaction. The authorization code you received from the voice authorization system is required.

    Void - You cannot void a transaction from Virtual Terminal. To void a transaction, see the subheading "Voiding Transactions" in the "Credit Card Activity" section below.

Card Number - This is the credit card number of the cardholder making the purchase. For your information, a Visa credit card number is either 13 or 16 digits, a MasterCard credit card number is 16 digits, an American Express credit card number is 15 digits, and a Discover/Novus credit card number is 16 digits. Do NOT use spaces or hyphens when typing the card number. The card number will appear only on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Exp. Date - You must provide the expiration date of the credit card for all transactions. Type the expiration date in the form mm/yy or mmyy. For cards that expire in the year 2000 or 2001, use 00 or 01 for the year, respectively. The expiration date will appear only on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Bank Name - (Only visible for merchants that are configured to accept ACH/Electronic Checks). This is the name of the checking account holder's bank. This must be a bank that is established in the U.S. and that uses U.S. currency. The bank name will appear only on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Account Number - (Only visible for merchants that are configured to accept ACH/Electronic Checks). This is the checking account number of the account holder. The account number can be found at the bottom of a check. Don't mistake the account number for the routing number or the check number, both of which are also found at the bottom of a check. Do NOT use spaces or other characters; just the numbers. A bank account number cannot be more than 17 digits. The account number will appear only on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

ABA Routing Code - (Only visible for merchants that are configured to accept ACH/Electronic Checks). This is the Transit/Routing Code for the bank of the account holder. It must be 9 digits and can be found at the bottom of a check and is usually between a pair of colons (:). Don't mistake the ABA routing code for the account number or check number, both of which are also found at the bottom of a check. Do NOT use spaces or other characters; just the numbers. The ABA routing code will appear only on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Customer ID - This is the ID you use for your customer. If you don't use customer ID's in your business, consider using the customer's last name here, or the text "Internet customer". The customer ID will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Name - This should be the cardholder's name. The name will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Address - This should be the cardholder's address. The address field is required for proper use of the Address Verification Service (AVS). A valid AVS response cannot be provided without the address. For more information about AVS, see the section above entitled "What is Address Verification Service (AVS) and how do I use it?". The address will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

City - This should be the cardholder's city. The city will appear on the credit card transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

State - This should be the cardholder's state. For non-U.S. customers, use whatever is appropriate in this field. The state will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Zip - This should be the cardholder's zip code. The zip field is required for proper use of the Address Verification Service (AVS). A valid AVS response cannot be provided without the zip code. For more information about AVS, see the section above entitled "What is Address Verification Service (AVS) and how do I use it?". For non-U.S. customers, use whatever is appropriate in this field. The zip code will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Country - This should be the cardholder's country. Choose "Other" for countries not found in the list. The country will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Phone - This should be the cardholder's phone number. You may use numbers and characters in this field. The phone number will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

Fax - This should be the cardholder's fax number. You may use numbers and characters in this field. The fax number will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

E-mail - Provide the customer's E-mail address here. If e-Commerce has been configured to send a credit card transaction receipt by E-mail on your behalf, this is the E-mail address that will be used for the customer. The E-mail address will appear on the transaction receipt that your customer receives as well as on the merchant's copy of the receipt.

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What actually happens when a transaction is submitted from Virtual Terminal
When a transaction is submitted from Virtual Terminal, this is exactly what happens:
bp The transaction fields are verified and checked for errors.
bp The transaction is immediately transmitted to the credit card processing network for authorization.
(For credit card transactions only)
bp A response from the processing network is received and the transaction is stored in the merchant's current batch awaiting settlement.
(For credit card transactions only)
bp The transaction receipt is E-mailed to both the customer and the merchant according to the merchant's configuration.
bp The transaction receipt is displayed on the screen for the merchant to print if they want.
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Configuration options for Virtual Terminal
You may find it cumbersome to have to fill in every field to do a transaction. You can configure the system to allow fields to be left blank, or just the opposite - to require that certain fields are not left blank.

You can also configure the system to send, or NOT send, the customer a transaction receipt by E-mail on your behalf. Please note that disabling the customer's E-mail receipt affects both Virtual Terminal transactions and WebLink transactions (those that take place from your web site). The E-mailed receipts to the merchant can be similarly configured.

Some configuration changes may only be made by your Commerce Technologies reseller (usually). For complete details on how to make configuration changes to the e-Commerce system, see the section entitled "Edit Configuration" later in this guide.

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Commerce Technologies Corporation
American Express may require separate approval.
Commerce Technologies is a registered ISO of Compass Bank an Alabama State Chartered Bank
Compass Bank an Alabama State Chartered Bank is not affiliated with International accounts.